Kumpulan Resep Masakan Game Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, Bye Makanan Gosong!

resep masakan harvest moon

Main game Harvest Moon: Back to Nature (BTN) memang menyenangkan, tapi kadang bikin badmood kalau lagi berkreasi resep masakan, eh makanannya malah gosong.

Game jadul Harvest Moon BTN ini memang lagi ramai di media sosial. Banyak streamer TikTok memainkan game satu ini sambil mengajak penonton bernostalgia.

Enaknya, kini main Harvest Moon BTN nggak perlu takut miskin karena banyak tips bertebaran di internet, seperti cara mendapatkan power berry hingga meningkatkan level perkakas.

Baca Juga: Kode Redeem FF 23 Februari 2023, Buruan Klaim!

Kalau sudah kaya, memasak adalah salah satu hal yang bisa dilakukan, nah biar hasilnya nggak gosong simak kumpulan resep masakan Harvest Moon: Back to Nature yang dirangkum YODU berikut ini yuk!

Resep Masakan Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Terbaru 2023

Harvest Moon

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Baca Juga: Profil dan Biodata EVOS Saykots, Intip Fakta Menarik Sang EXP Laner Macan Putih

Agar bisa memasak di game Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, pemain harus punya dapur, bahan-bahan, serta peralatan memasak! Ini adalah resep masakan yang bisa digunakan agar hasil makanan tidak gosong.

Apple Jam

  • Utensils: Pot
  • Seasoning: Sugar
  • Ingredients: Apple
  • Ingredients Optional: Honey, Wine

Apple Pie

  • Utensils: Knife, Oven, Rolling Pin, Pot
  • Seasoning: Sugar
  • Ingredients: Apple, Butter, Egg, Flour
  • Ingredients Optional: Wine, Honey

Bamboo Rice

  • Utensils:
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Bamboo shoot, Rice ball
  • Ingredients Optional:

Boiled Egg

  • Utensils: Pot
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Egg
  • Ingredients Optional: Salt


  • Utensils: Mixer
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Milk
  • Ingredients Optional:


  • Utensils: Oven, Whisk, Knife
  • Seasoning: Sugar
  • Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour
  • Ingredients Optional: Apple, Honey, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild grape

Cheese Fondue

  • Utensils: Pot, Knife
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Bread, Cheese
  • Ingredients Optional: Wine, Salt


  • Utensils: Whisk, Pot, Oven
  • Seasoning: Sugar
  • Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Cheese
  • Ingredients Optional: Honey, Strawberry

Chirashi Sushi

  • Utensils: Knife
  • Seasoning: Vinegar
  • Ingredients: Rice ball, Sashimi, Scrambled eggs
  • Ingredients Optional: Cucumber, Soysauce

Chocolate Cake

  • Utensils: Oven, Whisk, Knife
  • Seasoning: Sugar
  • Ingredients: Butter, Chocolate, Egg, Flour
  • Ingredients Optional: Apple, Honey, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild grape

Chocolate Cookie

  • Utensils: Rolling pin, Oven
  • Seasoning: Sugar
  • Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate
  • Ingredients Optional: Honey


  • Utensils:
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients:
  • Ingredients Optional:


  • Utensils: Pot
  • Seasoning: Curry powder, Rice ball
  • Ingredients:
  • Ingredients Optional: Bamboo shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Eggplant, Fish, Green pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Sweet potato, Turnip, Truffle, Salt, Soysauce, Sugar

Curry Noodles

  • Utensils: Rolling pin, Knife, Pot
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Curry powder, Flour
  • Ingredients Optional: Bamboo shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Eggplant, Fish, Green pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Sweet potato, Turnip, Truffle, Miso paste, Salt, Soysauce, Sugar

Dinner Roll

  • Utensils:
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Bread, Butter
  • Ingredients Optional: Honey

Fried Noodles

  • Utensils: Frying pan
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Noodles, Oil
  • Ingredients Optional: Eggs, Vegetables

Fried Rice

  • Utensils: Frying pan, (Knife)
  • Seasoning: Sugar, Salt, Soysauce
  • Ingredients: Oil, Rice ball, Egg
  • Ingredients Optional: Bamboo shoot, Boiled egg, Cabbage, Carrot, Corn, Cucumber, Fish, Green pepper, Grilled fish, Mushroom, Onion, Sashimi, Scrambled eggs, Spinach, Stir Fry, Truffle, Wine


  • Utensils: Frying pan, Knife
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Oil, Potato
  • Ingredients Optional: Ketchup, Salt

Fruit Juice

  • Utensils: Mixer, (Knife)
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: 1 Fruit
  • Ingredients Optional: Honey, Sugar

Fruit Latte

  • Utensils: Mixer, (Knife)
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Pineapple, Apple, Wild grape, Milk
  • Ingredients Optional: Strawberry, Grape juice, Honey, Sugar

Grape Jam

  • Utensils: Pot
  • Seasoning: Sugar
  • Ingredients: Wild grape
  • Ingredients Optional: Wine, Honey, Salt


  • Utensils: Pot
  • Seasoning: Soysauce
  • Ingredients: Spinach
  • Ingredients Optional:

Grilled Fish

  • Utensils: Frying pan
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Medium fish
  • Ingredients Optional: Salt, Soysauce

Happy eggplant

  • Utensils: Frying pan
  • Seasoning: Sugar, Soysauce, Miso paste
  • Ingredients: Eggplant
  • Ingredients Optional:

Hot Milk

  • Utensils: Pot
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Milk
  • Ingredients Optional: Sugar

Ice Cream

  • Utensils: Whisk, Pot, (Knife)
  • Seasoning: Sugar
  • Ingredients: Milk, Egg
  • Ingredients Optional: Strawberry, Pineapple, Apple, Honey, Wild grape, Wild jam

Jam Bun

  • Utensils:
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Bread, Jam
  • Ingredients Optional:


  • Utensils: Mixer
  • Seasoning: Sugar, Salt, Vinegar
  • Ingredients: Tomato, Onion
  • Ingredients Optional:


  • Utensils: Pot
  • Seasoning: Sugar
  • Ingredients: OrangeCup Fruit
  • Ingredients Optional:

Mayonnaise S

  • Utensils: Whisk
  • Seasoning: Vinegar
  • Ingredients: Egg (normal)
  • Ingredients Optional: Oil

Miso Soup

  • Utensils: Pot, Knife
  • Seasoning: Miso paste
  • Ingredients: Any of the following: Bamboo shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Corn, Eggplant, Green pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Small fish, Spinach, Sweet potato, Turnip
  • Ingredients Optional: Salt, Soysuse

Mixed juice

  • Utensils: Mixer, (Knife)
  • Seasoning: Strawberry, Pineapple, Wild grape, Carrot, Cucumber, Cabbage, Apple
  • Ingredients: Sugar, Salt, Bamboo shoot, Corn, Eggplant, Grape juice, Green pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Tomato, Spinach, Truffle, Turnp
  • Ingredients Optional:

Mixed Latte

  • Utensils: Mixer, (Knife)
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Apple, Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild grape, Milk
  • Ingredients Optional: Salt, Sugar

Mushroom Rice

  • Utensils:
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Mushroom, Rice ball
  • Ingredients Optional: Salt, Soysauce


  • Utensils: Rolling pin, Knife, Pot
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Flour
  • Ingredients Optional: Bamboo shoot, Egg, Salt, Soysauce, Sugar, Cabbage, Carrot, Eggplant, Fish, Green pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Sweet potato, Truffle, Turnip


  • Utensils: Frying pan
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Milk, Egg, Oil
  • Ingredients Optional: Bamboo shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Corn, Eggplant, Fish, Green pepper, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Sweet potato, Truffle, Salt

Pickled Turnips

  • Utensils: Knife
  • Seasoning: Vinegar
  • Ingredients: Turnip
  • Ingredients Optional: Sugar, Salt, Soysauce


  • Utensils: Knife
  • Seasoning: Salt
  • Ingredients: Cucumber
  • Ingredients Optional:


  • Utensils: Oven, Rolling pin
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Cheese, Flour, Ketchup
  • Ingredients Optional: Bamboo shoot, Carrot, Corn, Egg, Eggplant, Green pepper, Mayonnaise, Mushroom, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin, Sweet potato, Tomato, Truffle


  • Utensils: Frying pan
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Corn
  • Ingredients Optional: Butter, Salt

Pumpkin pudding

  • Utensils: Oven, Pot
  • Seasoning: Sugar
  • Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Pumpkin
  • Ingredients Optional: Honey, WineHoney, Wine

Raisin bread

  • Utensils:
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Bread, Wild grape
  • Ingredients Optional:

Relaxation tea

  • Utensils: Pot
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Relaxation tea leaves
  • Ingredients Optional: Apple, Blue grass, Green grass, Honey, Milk, Orange Cup fruit, Pineapple, Red grass, Wild grape, Wine

Rice omelet

  • Utensils: Frying pan
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Oil, Rice ball
  • Ingredients Optional: Bamboo shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Corn, Eggplant, Fish, Green pepper, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mushroom, Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Spinach, Sweet potato, Truffle, Salt, Soysauce, Sugar

Roasted potatoes

  • Utensils: Oven
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Sweet potato, Stone
  • Ingredients Optional: Sugar, Salt


  • Utensils: Knife
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber, Tomato
  • Ingredients Optional: Apple, Boiled egg, Cheese, Corn, Green pepper, Mushroom, Mayonnaise, Oil, Pineapple, Potato, Strawberry, Truffle, Turnip, Salt, Vinegar


  • Utensils: Knife
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Bread, Cucumber, Tomato
  • Ingredients Optional: Apple, Boiled egg, Butter, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Corn, Cucumber, Fish, Honey, Mayonnaise, Mushroom, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Strawberry, Sweet potato, Tomato, Truffle, Wild grape, Wine, Salt


  • Utensils: Knife
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Medium fish
    or Large fish
  • Ingredients Optional: Soysauce

Scrambled eggs

  • Utensils: Frying pan, Whisk
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Egg, Oil
  • Ingredients Optional: Butter, Mayonnaise, Salt, Soysauce, Vinegar


  • Utensils: Pot, (Knife)
  • Seasoning: Salt
  • Ingredients: Flour, Milk
  • Ingredients Optional: Apple, Bamboo shoot, Chocolate, Fish, Grape juice, Green pepper, Honey, Oil, Pineapple, Spa-boiled egg, Spinach, Sweet potato, Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable juice, Wild grape, Wine

Stir fry

  • Utensils: Frying pan, Knife
  • Seasoning: Soysauce
  • Ingredients: Cabbage, Oil
  • Ingredients Optional: Bamboo shoot, Carrot, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Green pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Potato, Spinach, Sweet potato, Tomato, Truffle, Turnip

Strawberry jam

  • Utensils: Pot
  • Seasoning: Sugar
  • Ingredients: Strawberry
  • Ingredients Optional:

Strawberry milk

  • Utensils: Mixer
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Strawberry, Milk
  • Ingredients Optional: Honey, Salt, Sugar


  • Utensils:
  • Seasoning: Vinegar
  • Ingredients: Rice ball, Sashimi
  • Ingredients Optional: Soysauce

Sweet Potato

  • Utensils: Pot, Oven
  • Seasoning: Sugar
  • Ingredients: Sweet potato, Egg, Butter
  • Ingredients Optional:


  • Utensils: Frying pan, Whisk
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Egg
  • Ingredients Optional: Boiled egg, Cabbage, Carrot, Chocolate, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fish, Green pepper, Mushroom, Pineapple, Poisonous mushroom, Potato, Pumpkin, Sweet potato, Truffle, Turnip

Tempura noodles

  • Utensils: Pot
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Noodles, Tempura
  • Ingredients Optional: Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Fish, Mushroom, Sweet potato, Truffle, Turnip, Miso paste, Salt, Soysauce, Sugar

Tomato Juice

  • Utensils: Mixer
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Tomato
  • Ingredients Optional: Salt

Truffle Rice

  • Utensils:
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Truffle, Rice ball
  • Ingredients Optional: Salt, Soysauce

Vegetable juice

  • Utensils: Mixer, (Knife)
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber
  • Ingredients Optional: Bamboo shoot, Corn, Cheese, Egg, Eggplant, Green pepper, Onion, Spinach, Truffle, Turnip, Salt

Veggie latte

  • Utensils: Mixer, (Knife)
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Milk, Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber or Vegetable juice, Milk
  • Ingredients Optional: Bamboo shoot, Cheese, Corn, Egg, Eggplant, Green pepper, Onion, Spinach, Truffle, Turnip, Salt

Veggie pancake

  • Utensils: Knife, Frying pan
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Flour, Egg, Cabbage, Oil
  • Ingredients Optional: Bamboo shoot, Carrot, Cheese, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fish, Mayonnaise, Milk, Mushroom, Potato, Pumpkin, Spinach, Truffle, Salt, Soysauce

Moon dumpling

  • Utensils:
  • Seasoning:
  • Ingredients: Dumpling mix
  • Ingredients Optional: Sugar

Nah, itu dia kumpulan resep masakan Harvest Moon: Back to Nature 2023. Selamat mencoba!

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